She Reads Truth Bible Becomes Holman’s Best-Selling CSB Bible to Date

Holman Bibles surprised Raechel Myers and Amanda Bible Williams at the She Reads Truth offices on March 9 to celebrate 500,000 copies sold for the She Reads Truth Bible (left to right: Andy McLean, Publisher for Holman Bible and Reference, She Reads Truth co-founders Raechel Myers and Amanda Bible Williams, and Eric Mullett, Holman Bible Marketing Strategist).
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (February 18, 2022) – Holman Bibles announces that the She Reads Truth Bible has topped 500,000 units sold, making it Holman’s highest-selling CSB Bible to date. The Bible released in 2017 in partnership with She Reads Truth™, an online Bible reading community connecting more than one million women via its website, mobile app and social media platforms. The She Reads Truth Bible, one of the first Bibles published in the Christian Standard Bible® (CSB) translation, was awarded an ECPA Gold Milestone Sales Award in 2021.
“The She Reads Truth™ community has embraced and championed this study Bible since day one,” says Andy McLean, Publisher, Holman Bible and Reference. “The She Reads Truth Bible is literally helping hundreds of thousands of women engage meaningfully with Scripture, and we are confident that its impact will continue to grow in the years to come. It is a privilege to partner alongside of them and their impactful ministry.”
“Working with the She Reads Truth team to tell the story of this beautifully unique setting for God’s Word has been a fantastic journey,” comments marketing strategist Eric Mullett. “The wonderful reality is that interest in the
She Reads Truth Bible continues to thrive, with its website ( hitting a new milestone of more than one million unique visits plus exceptional ad performance.”
Raechel Myers and Amanda Bible Williams, the founders of She Reads Truth™ and co-editors of the She Reads Truth Bible, are encouraged to see this Bible reaching so many women. “We are rejoicing to see women spending time in God’s Word and growing in their affection for Scripture. Every design and study element within The She Reads Truth Bible was intended as an invitation to engage with the beauty of God’s Word.”
The She Reads Truth Bible features a variety of study tools, design elements and devotional aids and is available in multiple formats:
- 66 illustrated key verses
- 35 full-color timelines
- 20 full-color maps
- 11 full-color charts
- Reading plans for all books of the Bible
- One-year Bible reading plan
- 66 detailed book introductions
- Key verse list
- Carefully curated topical index
- Wide margins for journaling and notes
- Smyth-sewn binding
- 189 devotional readings from She Reads Truth™ founders & contributors
- Available in linen, LeatherTouch, leather and indexed formats
She Reads Truth™ is a worldwide community of women who read God’s Word together every day. Founded in 2012, She Reads Truth invites women of all ages to engage Scripture through daily reading plans, online conversation led by a vibrant community of contributors, and offline resources created at the intersection of beauty, goodness, and truth. Learn more at or on socials at @shereadstruth.
Raechel Myers is the founder and CEO of She Reads Truth, He Reads Truth, and Kids Read Truth. A reluctant writer but lover of story, she delights in the evidence of God’s beauty, goodness, and truth in everyday life. Raechel and her husband live in Nashville, Tennessee, with their two children.
Amanda Bible Williams is co-founder and chief content officer of She Reads Truth, He Reads Truth, and Kids Read Truth. A lover of words and the Word, Amanda spends her days reading and leading, writing and editing, and explaining that her maiden name really is Bible. She lives with her husband and their four children in a lively farmhouse just south of Nashville, Tennessee.
The Christian Standard Bible (CSB) is a highly trustworthy, faithful translation that is proven to be an optimal blend of accuracy and readability. It’s as literal to the original as possible without sacrificing clarity. The CSB is poised to become the translation that pastors rely on and Bible readers turn to again and again to read and to share with others.
Holman Bibles is the oldest Bible publisher in North America, publishing high quality Bibles and reference resources that are trustworthy, accessible, and useful for the pursuit of lifelong discipleship. Print and digital releases include the She Reads Truth™ Bible, the CSB Tony Evans Study Bible, the Tony Evans Bible Commentary, and the Rainbow Study Bible. Holman Bibles is a subsidiary of B&H Publishing Group.
Media Contact: Jana Muntsinger, 832.247.9308,