Raechel Myers and Amanda Bible Williams, founders of She Reads Truth™, recently received ECPA’s Platinum Award for selling 1 million copies of the “She Reads Truth Bible,” published by Lifeway’s Holman Bibles in 2017. Photo by Bailey Watley
BRENTWOOD, Tenn. — Lifeway, B&H Publishing and Holman Bible Publishers recently announced the CSB “She Reads Truth Bible” achieved a Platinum Award from the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association (ECPA) for selling more than 1 million copies.
Lifeway’s Books and Bibles teams celebrated this significant milestone with Amanda Bible Williams and Raechel Myers, founders of She Reads Truth™.
“We’re so thankful for our partnership with Raechel, Amanda and the whole She Reads Truth™ team,” said Andy McLean, Lifeway’s director of Bibles and Reference. “To be able to lock arms with ministry partners to get Bibles into the hands of a million women is a remarkable thing. We are honored to come alongside the She Reads Truth™ team and steward this Bible.”
Describing the physical beauty of the “She Reads Truth Bible,” McLean said it reflects the beauty found in Scripture. “The Bible has a lot to say about beauty. We have a beautiful message in the gospel. We have a beautiful message in the story of redemption from creation to restoration. As publishers, we should want the medium to reflect the beauty of the message,” McLean said.
“We are so thankful to B&H for the work they’ve done to bring this Bible to the hands of a million women,” said Myers. “We didn’t do this. The surprise is that the Lord was able to use us. He has shown His kindness to us all along the way in the form of people and partners like Lifeway.”
What began with a simple tweet and the #shereadstruth hashtag in 2012 has now grown into a worldwide movement and community of “women in the Word of God every day.”
“She Reads Truth was born out of a desire to make Bible-reading part of our daily lives,” said Williams. “To know that the ‘She Reads Truth Bible’ has served to invite a million women into God’s Word—some of them for the very first time—is just incredible. Thanks be to God.”
Twelve years later, She Reads Truth™ serves a global community of more than a million women, men, and children with daily Bible reading plans and resources, including digital resources like the She Reads Truth™ app, website and podcast and printed resources like the “She Reads Truth Bible,” published in 2017, the CSB “He Reads Truth Bible” and the “She Reads Truth” book.
The “He Reads Truth Bible,” also published by Holman Bibles, recently achieved a Bronze Award from ECPA for selling more than 100,000 copies.
More information about the “She Reads Truth Bible” and “He Reads Truth Bible” can be found at lifeway.com/shereadstruth.
She Reads Truth™ is a worldwide community of women who read God’s Word together every day. Founded in 2012, She Reads Truth invites women of all ages to engage Scripture through daily reading plans, online conversation led by a vibrant community of contributors, and offline resources created at the intersection of beauty, goodness and truth. Learn more at SheReadsTruth.com or on socials at @shereadstruth.
The Christian Standard Bible (CSB) is a highly trustworthy, faithful translation that is proven to be an optimal blend of accuracy and readability. It’s as literal to the original as possible without sacrificing clarity. The CSB is poised to become the translation that pastors rely on and Bible readers turn to again and again to read and to share with others.
Holman Bibles, a subsidiary of B&H Publishing Group, is the oldest Bible publisher in North America, publishing high-quality Bibles and reference resources that are trustworthy, accessible and useful for the pursuit of lifelong discipleship. Print and digital releases include the award-winning “CSB Explorer Bible for Kids,” the “CSB Tony Evans Study Bible,” the “Tony Evans One Volume Commentary” and the “She Reads Truth Bible.”
B&H Publishing Group, an imprint of Lifeway Christian Resources, is a team that believes Every Word Matters®. We seek to provide intentional, biblical content that positively impacts the hearts and minds of people, cultivating lifelong relationships with Jesus Christ. We publish (print and digital) in the trade, church, and academic markets, as well as the CSB translation. For more information, visit BHPublishingGroup.com.
In operation since 1891, Lifeway Christian Resources is one of the leading providers of Christian resources, including Bibles, books, Bible studies, Christian music and movies, Vacation Bible School and church supplies, as well as camps and events for all ages. Lifeway is the world’s largest provider of Spanish Bibles. Based in Nashville, Tennessee, Lifeway operates as a self-supporting nonprofit. For more information, visit Lifeway.com.
MEDIA CONTACT: Aaron Earls, aaron.earls@lifeway.com