Ada, Mich. (April 6, 2022)—Baker Academic and Brazos Press is pleased to announce that three titles were honored by the Academy of Parish Clergy Inc. as part of its 2022 Book of the Year Awards. On the Spectrum by Daniel Bowman Jr. received top honor as Book of the Year.
In its announcement, the Academy of Parish Clergy Inc. said “This year the committee has selected Daniel Bowman Jr.’s book On the Spectrum: Autism, Faith, and the Gifts of Neurodiversity, which was published by Brazos Press (2021). Bowman is an associate professor of English at Taylor University, codirector of the university’s Making Literature Conference, and editor of Relief: A Journal of Art & Faith. The Book of the Year Award is given by the Academy of Parish Clergy to the book published in the prior year (2021) [that] the committee believes best speaks to the needs and interests of parish clergy.”
On the Spectrum: Autism, Faith, and the Gifts of Neurodiversity by Daniel Bowman Jr. (Brazos Press, ISBN 9781587435065, ebook ISBN 9781493431120, $19.99p)
This book debunks myths about autism and autistics with a realistic yet hope-filled deep dive into the heart, mind, and life of an autistic Christian.
The Congregation in a Secular Age by Andrew Root (Baker Academic) made the Top Ten Book List for Parish Ministry and The Lord Is My Shepherd by Richard S. Briggs (Baker Academic) made the Reference Book Top Five List.
The Congregation in a Secular Age: Keeping Sacred Time against the Speed of Modern Life by Andrew Root (Baker Academic, ISBN 9780801098482, ebook ISBN 9781493429721, $26.99p)
A leading practical theologian articulates why congregations feel pressured by the speed of change in modern life and encourages an approach that doesn’t fall into the negative traps of our secular age.
The Lord Is My Shepherd: Psalm 23 for the Life of the Church by Richard S. Briggs (Baker Academic, ISBN 9781540961853, ebook ISBN 9781493432127, $24.99c)
Briggs offers an exposition of Psalm 23, showing how this classic and beloved text can speak afresh to the life of the church today.
Recognition of these important contributions to the spiritual and professional development of religious professionals will be given in two Zoom events that will be simulcast on the Academy of Parish Clergy Facebook page. The Book of the Year announcement takes place on Friday, April 8 at 2:00 p.m. EDT ( The time of the Reference Book of the Year Award announcement is to be determined.
For more information about the Academy, please go to
Contact: Lydia Koning, (616) 676-9185,