Purcellville, VA—The Good Book Company is pleased to announce that Is God Anti-Gay? And other questions about homosexuality, the Bible and same-sex attraction (The Good Book Company, May 2013) by Sam Allberry, has now sold over 100,000 print copies worldwide.
Christians, the church and the Bible seem to be out of step with modern attitudes towards homosexuality. And there is growing hostility towards those who hold a different view to the world around them. So, is God homophobic? And how do we relate to Christians and non-Christians who experience same-sex attraction?
In Is God Anti-Gay?, Sam Allberry helps readers understand what God has said about homosexuality, and offers a positive and liberating way forward for those confronting issues of faith and sexuality. The revised and expanded second edition also contains highly practical material looking at whether Christians should attend gay weddings, whether it is sinful to experience same-sex attraction and whether the Christian view of sexuality could ever be seen as dangerous.
“For such a short book this was a very painful writing process, confronting an issue that has caused me a huge amount of shame over the years,” Sam reflects. “I never thought it would get to the publication stage let alone be used so much by God. I’m profoundly thankful it is being read so widely.”
Carl R. Trueman has called Is God Anti-Gay?, “A truly marvelous book,” adding that, “as a pastor who himself struggles with same-sex attraction, Sam’s humanity shines through every page.” Russell D. Moore, president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, has also warmly commended the book, saying, “The gospel is good news, for homosexuals too. The gospel doesn’t define us by our temptations but by the righteousness of Christ. This book sets forth the biblical case. The author captures perfectly the gospel’s call to repentance and offer of mercy. Read this book and consider how God is calling you to love, in word and in deed, all of those around you.”
Is God Anti-Gay? is part of the Questions Christians Ask series—a range of short, simple books designed to help Christians understand what God has said about big questions, including Is Forgiveness Really Free?, Why Bother with Church?, and Where Was God When That Happened?
Sam Allberry (@samallberry on Twitter) studied theology at Wycliffe Hall in Oxford, England and has served on staff at St Ebbe’s Church, Oxford, and St Mary’s, Maidenhead. He is now part of the team at Ravi Zacharias International Ministries and also works as UK Editor for The Gospel Coalition. A popular conference speaker, Sam has written several books, including James For You, Is God Anti-Gay?, Lifted: experiencing the resurrection life, and Connected: living in the light of the Trinity. His hobbies include reading, watching The West Wing and anything to do with South-East Asia.
Founded in 1989, The Good Book Company is an international Christian publisher. Our Bible studies, books, devotionals, videos, tracts, evangelistic courses and training materials are used throughout the English-speaking world, and in translation in over 35 languages worldwide. All of us here at The Good Book Company are passionate about the Lord Jesus, His word, His church and His gospel of grace. Motivated by this passion and our involvement in local churches, it is our privilege to create and publish biblical, relevant and accessible resources that will encourage Christians to keep going, keep growing and keep sharing their faith. For additional information, visit thegoodbook.com.
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“Sam is a same-sex attracted Christian, and a faithful brother. I cannot overstate how grateful I am for his life and testimony. The Lord has raised him up for our time. If you haven’t yet read Sam’s book, you need to.”
—DENNY BURK Professor of Biblical Studies at Boyce College, Louisville, KY
“The gospel is good news, for homosexuals too. The gospel doesn’t define us by our temptations but by the righteousness of Christ. This book sets forth the biblical case. The author captures perfectly the gospel’s call to repentance and offer of mercy. Read this book and consider how God is calling you to love, in word and in deed, all of those around you.”
—RUSSELL D. MOORE President, Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, Southern Baptist Convention, Author, Tempted and Tried: Temptation and the Triumph of Christ
“Empathetic & wise, learned and clear, hopeful and kind – this book by Sam Allberry is on a topic that can be very challenging. It would be helpful for just about anyone to read.”
—MARK DEVER Pastor, Capitol Hill Baptist Church
“EXCELLENT. Short, clear, kind, understanding…this needs to be widely distributed.”
—JONATHAN LEEMAN Editorial Director at 9Marks, blogger and author
“A truly marvelous book. Sam writes as a pastor who himself struggles with same-sex attraction. Sam’s humanity shines through every page; his understanding of weakness undergirds the whole. A compassionate and compelling resource for pastors and elders to keep on hand, as this is an issue which will become more, not less, important.”
—CARL R. TRUEMAN Dept. Chair of Church History at Westminster Theological Seminary, Author, Pastor and Ref21 blogger
“This short book is outstanding. Sam Allberry handles people carefully, texts wisely and issues sensitively, and the result is a supremely helpful book on perhaps the most challenging issue western Christians face today. I highly recommend it.”
—ANDREW WILSON pastor and blogger at thinktheology.co.uk
“Every minister should read this book and we should endeavor to get it into the hands of as many of our congregation as possible.”
—PAUL LEVY Reformation 21 blog
“Sam writes with genuine pastoral warmth out of his own personal experience. He argues convincingly that, far from being anti-gay, God loves those who experience same-sex attraction and that the gospel is good news for us too.”
—JONATHAN BERRY Director, True Freedom Trust
“This is becoming the issue of our day. Short books like this that are biblical, grounded in the writer’s personal experience and pastoral concern are a gift to all the church family, those struggling and those looking in. Sam Allberry meets objections and misunderstandings graciously, truthfully and persuasively.”
—RICO TICE Christianity Explored Ministries