Elk Lake Publishing, Inc. has debuted its new logo. Publisher Deb Haggerty states, “A new look was necessary to promote our mission of publishing positive books for the Christian market.” One of the few Christian-owned and operated traditional, royalty-paying publishing companies, Elk Lake has books for readers of all ages in a variety of genres. Elk Lake, headquartered in Plymouth, MA, publishes thirty to forty books a year. Recent book releases include, among others:
- World War II-era—Set for Danger by Ace Collins
- Humor—The Heart of Humor by Jeanette Levellie
- Contemporary—Hosea’s Heart by Linda Wood Rondeau and Manhattan Grace by Clarice G. James
- Children’s—If I Could Ask Jesus by Donna Wyland/Lynne Davis
All books are available on Amazon and through Ingram Services.
For more information, contact:
Deb Haggerty at Deb@ElkLakePublishingInc.com or call 508-746-1734