Owen and Eleanor Move In (April 2018) will kick off a new children’s chapter book series, following two unlikely friends who bond over the challenges of their families moving into the same duplex. Owen, an introspective seven-year-old, joins forces with his downstairs neighbor Eleanor, a gregarious eight-year-old. The Owen and Eleanor series follows two kids from two different Christian families as they navigate the ups and downs of childhood. The duo exhibits Christian values and learns important life lessons through common childhood experiences.
“Sparkhouse Family is delighted to be moving into the chapter book category with Owen and Eleanor Moves In,” said Andrew DeYoung, director of product development for Sparkhouse Family. “Heather’s storytelling in the book is charming and funny, and the way she integrates faith into the lives of these two characters is completely natural and organic, never forced or heavy-handedly didactic. Owen and Eleanor feel like real kids dealing with real issues, and we know that kids are going to fall in love with both of them.”
Heather Bouwman is a middle-grade author of historical fantasy. As H.M. Bouwman, she is the author of The Remarkable & Very True Story of Lucy & Snowcap (2008) and A Crack in the Sea (2017). Bouwman is also an associate professor of English at the University of St. Thomas. She is a homeschool mom, a member of the United Methodist Church, and a regular attender of writing and book conferences.