COLORADO SPRINGS, CO. (February 25, 2021) – Outreach Magazine (, which provides practical resources for pastors and volunteer leadership, has announced that NavPress (@NavPress) book Renovated: God, Dallas Willard, and the Church That Transforms (SC, 978-1-64158-167-7, April 2020) by Dr. Jim Wilder has been selected as its Resource of the Year in the Church category. The book will be highlighted in an upcoming issue of Outreach as well as online.
Dr. Wilder, a neurotheologian and founder of Life Model Works, draws on the teachings of the beloved mentor in Christian spiritual formation Dallas Willard to show that neurology confirms what Christianity has quietly affirmed all along—humans are formed far more by whom we love than by what we believe. By framing Christian faith as a loving attachment to God rather than just a set of beliefs to hold to, Dr. Wilder offers a way to go beyond sin management and toward deeper transformation into the image of Christ.
David Zimmerman, NavPress acquisitions editor, said “I’m not at all surprised that Jim Wilder’s Renovated has proven so helpful for the church. The inner workings of our minds, the hidden functions of our brains, the discipling of our emotions, and the Spirit moving in us and transforming us—these great mysteries are where we have the most to learn, the most room for growth. We’re all very grateful for the insight Jim brought to this book into how we come to be the kind of people who think with God, and we’re grateful for the passion he brings to the task of helping people move toward emotional and spiritual maturity.”
An Outreach excerpt from Wilder’s book is available here: Salvation Is a New Attachment –
For additional information about Renovated, as well as other NavPress products, visit:
Dr. Jim Wilder is a neurotheologian who has trained leaders and counselors for nearly 30 years on five continents. The founder of Life Model Works, he is an expert on the intersection of theology and brain science. He is coauthor of Rare Leadership and Living from the Heart Jesus Gave You.
The mission of NavPress is to advance the calling of The Navigators by bringing biblically rooted, culturally relevant, and highly practical products to people who want to know and love Christ more deeply. Through The Message Bible and other insightful resources, NavPress seeks to bring positive spiritual movement to people’s lives. In January 2014, NavPress entered into an alliance with Tyndale House Publishers to strengthen and better position NavPress and its rich content for the future. NavPress provides books and other content that bring spiritual impact and life transformation, and help lead in the mission of making disciples.
Contact: Madeline Daniels,