During The Pentecostal/Charismatic Churches of North America‘s (PCCNA) annual meeting from February 21-23 in New Orleans, BroadStreet Publishing author Dean Merrill presented his new book Miracle Invasion: Amazing True Stories of the Holy Spirit’s Gifts at Work Today. This compilation of more than forty credible stories of recent healings, prophecies, miracles, and other gifts can inspire faith and courage—if Christians are not too hesitant or nervous to engage. Several contributors to Miracle Invasion, such as Chris Ball (president of Elim Fellowship), Cathy Ciaramitaro (co-pastor of megachurch Windsor Christian Fellowship), and Bishop Harry Cohen (president of the United Holy Church of America) joined by sharing their incredible first-person accounts. In addition, Merrill explained the process for how he gathered the stories, the criteria for inclusion or not, and how people can use the book in their speaking, small groups, and/or classes. Jeff Farmer, PCCNA president, concluded by speaking about the importance of miracles in today’s ministry.
For additional information about Dean Merrill or his book Miracle Invasion, visit miracleinvasionbook.com or deanmerrill.com.