Ada, Mich. (March 4, 2021)— Outreach magazine recently announced the winners of their Resources of the Year. Baker Academic titles received two top honors. A Public Missiology by Gregg Okesson in the Cross-Cultural and Missional category. Models of Evangelism by Priscilla Pope-Levison in the Theology and Biblical Studies category. Exiles on Mission by Paul Williams (Brazos Press) was also recommended in the Cross-Cultural and Missional category.
For the eighteenth year, Outreach magazine has named top books and curriculum that are geared toward church leaders and churches wishing to deepen their reach for the sake of the gospel. The complete list of recognized resources can be found here.
A Public Missiology: How Local Churches Witness to a Complex World by Gregg Okesson (Baker Academic; ISBN 9780801098079, Ebook ISBN 9781493422388, $24.99p)
How can Christians witness to an increasingly complex world? Gregg Okesson shows how local congregations are the primary means of public witness in and for the world. As Christians move back and forth between their churches and their neighborhoods, workplaces, and other public spaces, they weave a thick gospel witness. This introduction to public missiology explains how local congregations can thicken their witness in the public realms where they live, work, and play. Real-life examples from around the world help readers envision approaches to public witness and social change.
Models of Evangelism by Priscilla Pope-Levison (Baker Academic; ISBN 9780801099496, Ebook ISBN 9781493427383, $21.99p)
At once biblical, theological, historical, and practical, this book by a seasoned scholar offers an engaging, well-researched, and well-organized presentation and analysis of eight models of evangelism. Covering a breadth of approaches—from personal evangelism to media evangelism and everything in between—Priscilla Pope-Levison encourages readers to take a deeper look at evangelism and discover a model that captures their attention. Each chapter introduces and assesses a model biblically, theologically, historically, and practically, allowing for easy comparison across the board. The book also includes end-of-chapter study questions to further help readers interact with each model.
“We are very proud to partner with these scholars on their important works on effective outreach,” notes Jim Kinney, Executive Vice President of Academic Publishing. “The witness of the church has fallen on hard times in many quarters for a variety of reasons. But we need not lose heart. The church is also blessed with creative thinkers and careful scholars who can help us find our way forward into transformative witness to our troubled world.”
Brazos Press title Exiles on Mission by Paul Williams, is recommended as a resource in the Cross-Cultural and Missional category.
Baker Publishing Group publishes high-quality writings that represent historic Christianity and serve the diverse interests and concerns of evangelical readers.
Contact: Shelly MacNaughton, (616) 676-9185