The Christian Book Award® program honors the “best of the year” in 12 categories, including Audio which was just added this year. Submissions are now being accepted through September 30, 2018, for books, Bibles, and audio books, published from October 2017 to October 2018. Submission categories are:
- Audio (NEW)
- Bibles
- Bible Reference works
- Bible Study
- Biography & Memoir
- Children (ages 0-8)
- Christian Living
- Devotion & Gift
- Faith & Culture
- Ministry Resources
- New Author
- Young People’s Literature (ages 9-16 non-fiction)
Retail and media partnerships promote the finalists and winners each year. Partners include: Christianity Today, Amazon, Barnes & Noble,, CBD, Parable, LifeWay, Covenant Group, Logos, Mardel, NetGalley, and Signature Marketing Network. Finalists are announced in the Spring with winners announced at the ECPA Awards Celebration during the ECPA Leadership Summit held April 30-May 1 in Chicago.
More information at
Barbour’s new fiction series highlights true crime stories in American history
Uhrichsville, OH—Barbour Publishing is pleased to announce the launch of a daring new fiction series not for the faint of heart. True Colors will explore true, riveting stories of American criminal activity layered in historical romantic suspense.
This unique 6-book series will kick off in March 2019 with the release of The White City by debut author Grace Hitchcock. The main character in this fascinating read attempts to uncover the cause of the strange disappearances at the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair. This true-to-history story is based on the crimes of infamous serial killer H. H. Holmes.
Releasing approximately every other month by a talented team of authors, True Colors will satisfy a variety of fiction readers interested in American history, true crime, and romance. Each title and cover will feature a prominent color to tie in perfectly with the series name and create a strong brand presence.
Release Schedule for First Three Books:
- March 2019: The White City by Grace Hitchcock
Setting: Chicago, IL; 1893 True Crime: Kidnapping at the Chicago World’s Fair - June 2019: The Pink Bonnet by Liz Tolsma
Setting: Memphis, TN; 1932 True Crime: Baby snatchers - August 2019: The Yellow Lantern by Angie Dicken
Setting: Massachusetts, 1824 True Crime: Grave robbers
To learn more about the True Colors series, visit or view our latest catalog on Edelweiss.
Media Contact: Shalyn Sattler 740.922.6045 X 109
Paraclete Press announces launch of a new publishing imprint
In time for the Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi, Paraclete Press releases the first title in its new imprint for Franciscan spirituality. San Damiano Books will publish for children as well as adults, fiction and nonfiction, spirituality and practical theology, books by vowed Franciscans and laypeople/writers—all with a passion for the spirit of Saints Francis and Clare.
St. Francis and the Animals: A Mother Bird’s Story
by Phil Gallery, illustrated by Sibyl MacKenzie
(8.5×11, 32 pp. Hardcover / ISBN: 978-1-61261-973-6 / $17.99 / October 4, 2018)
“Stunning illustrations and engaging text. This book is sure to spark valuable conversations.”
—Fr. Pat McCloskey, OFM, Franciscan Editor, St. Anthony Messenger
If the animal kingdom can understand the life and teachings of the world’s most famous saint, so can children, who will be delighted by this simple, beautiful book for the ages.
Francis of Assisi In His Own Words: The Essential Writings, 2nd edition
by Jon M. Sweeney
(5×7.5, 160 pp. Trade paper / ISBN: 978-1-64060-019-5 / $16.99 / October 23, 2018)
“A very good translation of [Francis’] original writings, in words that we can now appreciate.” —Richard Rohr, OFM
Sweeney has expanded his bestselling compilation to include six additional writings such as: “The Form of Life He Wished for Clare,” “The Sermon to the Birds,” and “The Source of True Joy.” An expanded introduction and notes add historical and theological context.
Authors under contract for 2019 include two more books for children; Wendy Murray with a new biography of St. Clare; and multi-platinum recording artist John Michael Talbot reflecting on Francis of Assisi’s “Sermon on the Mount” by looking at one of the saint’s lesser-known writings, “The Admonitions”; and Amid Passing Things: Life, Prayer, and Relationship with God by new author Jeremiah Myriam Shryock, CFR.
Zondervan launches free 6-week Bible study, “Trace the Themes,” with assets for Christian retailers to host customer workshops
Based on the NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible
Grand Rapids, Mich., Aug. 28, 2018 — Zondervan is pleased to announce the launch of a free six-week Bible study, “Trace the Themes: A Guide to Unpacking the Bible’s Major Motifs” (
This new Bible study is perfect for Christian retail stores to host workshops for customers to discover how each theme of the Bible unfolds from Genesis to Revelation.
Zondervan has created everything a store could need to create and promote this workshop, including:
- Customizable PowerPoint slides for in-store monitors
- Promotional flyer
- Social media images
Assets can be access at
Retailers can contact their Zondervan sales representative to order a free event kit, which includes:
- One free hardcover copy of the new NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible to give away in a drawing at the workshop
- A pack of 25 study guides
- A 7-minute introductory video
- Detailed instructions for hosting a workshop
Based on the new NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible, “Trace the Themes” features a 36-page study guide and six video introductions by Spence Shelton. Shelton is lead pastor of Mercy Church in Charlotte, NC, and previously served for 10 years with J.D. Greear as small group pastor at The Summit Church.
The NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible, which was previously published as the NIV Zondervan Study Bible, is the only study Bible built on biblical theology and is now lighter, thinner, and more readable thanks to Zondervan’s exclusive NIV Comfort Print® typeface.
Full of robust study features that allow readers to unpack God’s story, the NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible allows readers to ponder the individual stories and themes of Scripture while observing how they all fit together in God’s grand biblical narrative. With three articles introducing Biblical theology and 25 articles unpacking key themes of Scripture, the NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible equips readers to follow the progressive unfolding of God’s story. Helpful introductions to books and sections of the Bible combined with 20,000 verse-by-verse study notes will give readers a clearer understanding of every portion of Scripture. The NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible goes on sale September 4, 2018.
About the NIV: The New International Version (NIV) is the world’s bestselling modern-English Bible translation—accurate, readable, and clear, yet rich with the detail found in the original languages. The NIV is the result of over 50 years of work by the Committee on Bible Translation, who oversee the efforts of many contributing scholars. Representing the spectrum of evangelicalism, the translators come from a wide range of denominations and various countries and continually review new research in order to ensure the NIV remains at the forefront of accessibility, relevance, and authority. Every NIV Bible that is purchased helps Biblica, a nonprofit ministry organization, translate and give Bibles to people in need around the world. To learn more, visit
About Comfort Print®: Read on! Settle in and spend more time in the Bible without eyestrain. Comfort Print® is an exclusive new family of fonts expertly designed to allow your eyes to relax as they flow smoothly along the lines of text. Learn more at
About Zondervan: Zondervan is a world leading Bible publisher and provider of Christian communications. Zondervan, part of HarperCollins Christian Publishing, Inc., delivers transformational Christian experiences through its bestselling Bibles, books, curriculum, academic resources and digital products. The Company’s products are sold worldwide and translated into nearly 200 languages. Zondervan offices are located in Grand Rapids, Mich. For additional information, please visit
Contact: Trinity McFadden, Senior Manager of Publicity, 616-698-3514,
Firebrand gears up for their 2018 Community Conference, September 25–27
August 27, Newburyport, MA – Firebrand Technologies, a leader in market intelligence and technology services for the publishing industry, and long-standing ECPA partner, announces its acclaimed Community Conference and agenda. The conference will take place in the heart of the historic downtown district of Portsmouth, NH, on September 25–27, 2018.
Join industry colleagues, Firebrand team members, and special guests for an intense three days of practical training, innovative thinking, and in-depth discussion on topics that will impact your business.
The Community Conference this year will include two deep-dive Master Classes and four conference tracks that will help attendees get the most out of Firebrand’s tools and services, while expanding participants’ understanding of the publishing industry and current trends.
Attendees will benefit from Master Class topics including Eloquence on Demand and Reporting and Data Analytics. Four Session tracks include Eloquence, Strategic Planning and Business Development, Title Management Enterprise, and Marketing and Sales Analytics.
“Firebrand currently works with multiple ECPA member publishers that could directly benefit by attending the community conference”, says Robert Stevens, Firebrand’s Chief Community Officer. “The Eloquence on Demand Master class alone holds an incredible value and is included with the cost of the conference. If you are not currently working with Firebrand, this is a great chance to get to know us and join other industry professionals for pertinent discussions and an opportunity to network in an informal atmosphere.”
A diverse range of presenters and contributors, both from Firebrand and the community at large, include:
- Tom Gilbert, Director, Digital Products & Application Infrastructure, Lifeway Christian Resources
- Ashley Postlethwaite, Product Manager, Duke University Press
- Deb Nasitka, System Development Manager, University of California Press
- Michele Cobb, Partner, Forte Business Consulting
- Brian O’Leary, Executive Director, Book Industry Study Group (BISG)
For more information, please visit To learn more about Firebrand Technologies, please visit:, or email
About Firebrand Technologies – Firebrand Technologies ( is dedicated to providing leading software and services to help publishers achieve success. Firebrand provides steadfast leadership and seamless information flow throughout the publishing process. Title Management Enterprise Software tracks titles from pre-acquisition through post-production, marketing and sales; our Eloquence on Demand service is the industry gold standard for implementing ONIX and maximizing control of how data and content reach the marketplace. Direct2Reader provides a platform for publishers to efficiently deliver secure ebook files for direct sales, bulk sales, digital exam copies, and promotions. FlightDeck offers the most powerful EPUB Quality Assurance and validation tool available. NetGalley is a premier pre-publication marketing and publicity service, which delivers secure digital galleys to professional readers. Follow us on Twitter @firebrandtech
Contact: Steve Rutberg, Sales and Marketing Director, Firebrand Technologies,
Former cult member wants to help others hear God’s many voices in new book with Worthy
Debut Book from Liz Ditty Encourages Breaking Free from False Teaching to Listen to the Savior’s Words
(NASHVILLE, Tenn.) July 2018 – Only God’s voice in our lives can lead us toward the joy of being fully alive, accepted, and loved by Him. However, the challenge for many is to listen for His voice and recognize it amid the distractions of a busy world.
In her debut book, God’s Many Voices: Learning to Listen, Expectant to Hear (Worthy Publishing, August 2018, $16.99, 9781683972525), Liz Ditty uses personal, relatable examples and biblical teaching to guide readers into hearing God’s many voices in their lives.
Whether through scripture, prayer, community, interruptions, waiting, or silence, God is speaking to us – we just need to listen. Liz teaches readers how to listen and discern God’s voices from among the many distractions of today. As Liz shows in her book, those who do not think that God speaks to them in their everyday life will be surprised to discover a God who is infinitely closer and more involved in our world than we give him credit for.
“When Jesus invited the disciples to follow Him,” Liz writes, “He invited them to learn from Him, to eat with Him, to walk with Him, to listen to His stories and to tell Him theirs. He’s inviting us to the same conversational relationship.”
In God’s Many Voices, Liz encourages readers to not only hear God, but to truly listen to His voice and participate in His conversational relationship: “Learning to listen, then, is learning to notice all the things God is already saying to us that we may not be hearing. Listening can be just as valuable as hearing.”
Liz Ditty is a speaker, writer, podcast host, and volunteer jail chaplain. Her upbringing in a fundamentalist cult where her father served as one of the elders and church planters taught her that women were to honor God through their submission and silence. At the age of 23 she left the church and her family. Over a decade of freedom later, Liz’s first goal in ministry is to encourage others who have heard the wrong story about God to take their questions and hurts straight to him. Liz lives with her husband Mike and two children, Olivia and Flint, in San Jose, CA, where she teaches regularly at the multiple campuses of WestGate Church.
Worthy Publishing Group is a privately held, independent voice in inspirational publishing, based in Nashville, Tennessee. Worthy includes five distinct imprints: Worthy Books publishes inspirational works addressing spiritual growth, biblical study, faith and culture, biography, fiction, and specialty Bibles; Museum of the Bible Books is a partnership between Worthy and the Museum, publishing books that reveal the history, narrative, and impact of the Bible; Ellie Claire produces beautifully crafted journals, gifts, and paper expressions; Worthy Inspired publishes felt-need, spiritual growth, inspirational, and devotional books; and WorthyKids/Ideals creates colorful, interactive children’s books, including VeggieTales and Berenstain Bears, for ages 2 to 8.
IVP and Missio Alliance partner on resources for the challenges of our day
WESTMONT, IL—In a time of great tension and divides across racial, gender, political, and socioeconomic lines, InterVarsity Press and Missio Alliance have partnered again on a resource to equip the church for the challenges of our day. A Sojourner’s Truth: Choosing Freedom and Courage in a Divided World by Natasha Sistrunk Robinson will release on October 9, 2018.
J. R. Rozko is the codirector of Missio Alliance, a fellowship of churches, denominations, schools, and networks partnering together to see the church in North America equipped for fuller and more faithful participation in God’s mission. He said, “Missio Alliance enjoys a partnership with IVP that allows us to platform books that reflect and advance our values for Comprehensive Mutuality, Hopeful Witness, and Church in Mission. What our dear friend, Natasha, offers us inA Sojourner’s Truth is a creative and masterful representation of all three! The picture she paints is instructive to be sure, but how she paints it—as a strong leadership-savvy black Christian woman—is perhaps of even greater significance. There is much in this book that thoughtful church leaders of all stripes would do well to pay careful attention to!”
A Sojourner’s Truth is an African American girl’s journey from South Carolina to the United States Naval Academy, and then to her calling as an international speaker, mentor, and thought leader.
Intertwined with Natasha’s story is the story of Moses, a leader who was born into a marginalized people group, resisted the injustices of the Pharaoh, denied the power of Egypt, and trusted God even when he did not fully understand where he was going. Along the way we explore the spiritual and physical tensions of truth telling, character and leadership development, and bridge building across racial, ethnic, socioeconomic, and gender lines.
Jeff Crosby, InterVarsity Press publisher, said, “Natasha Sistrunk Robinson’s theological wisdom, her unique perspective as a woman of color, and her two decades of leadership experience in a wide range of settings shines through on every page of A Sojourner’s Truth. In a day when the very notion of truth is challenged, Robinson’s book is a captivating and instructive exploration of hard-fought, hard-won lessons through her own history and ours. I’m so grateful to have her voice in the InterVarsity Press publishing program and to learn from her journey.”
Missio Alliance and IVP first partnered together in 2016 to release a line of jointly branded books. With a number of IVP authors serving as key voices for the work of Missio Alliance, the two organizations formally decided to leverage the natural synergies that existed between them for the benefit of both the IVP books included and of the Missio Alliance audience.
Al Hsu, senior editor for IVP Books, said, “In today’s contemporary context, we increasingly need pastor/practitioners who can navigate both church and culture with theological savvy and pastoral insight. Missio Alliance provides those kinds of authors and books, and IVP is glad to cultivate such strategic voices.”
Other titles that came out of the InterVarsity Press-Missio Alliance partnership include:
- What Does It Mean to Be Welcoming: Navigating LGBT Questions in Your Church by Travis Collins
- Seven Practices for the Church on Mission by David E. Fitch
- God Is Stranger: Finding God in Unexpected Places by Krish Kandiah
- Emboldened: A Vision for Empowering Women in Ministry by Tara Beth Leach
- White Awake: An Honest Look at What It Means to Be White by Daniel Hill
- Paradoxology: Why Christianity Was Never Meant to Be Simple by Krish Kandiah
- Embrace: God’s Radical Shalom for a Divided World by Leroy Barber
- Faithful Presence: Seven Disciplines That Shape the Church for Mission by David E. Fitch
- The Church as Movement: Starting and Sustaining Missional-Incarnational Communities by JR Woodward and Dan White Jr.
- Redeeming Sex: Naked Conversations About Sexuality and Spirituality by Debra Hirsch
For more about the partnership with Missio Alliance visit
Contact: Krista Clayton | 630.734.4013 |
Social media sensation the Activist Mommy, Elizabeth Johnston, to release debut book with Worthy Publishing in February 2019
(NASHVILLE, Tenn.) August 2018 – Elizabeth Johnston, known as the Activist Mommy to her millions of online followers, has amassed over 70 million video views on social media while speaking passionately on controversial cultural issues. Now, Worthy Publishing is pleased to announce that her debut book will release this February.
Written in her characteristically no-nonsense style, Not On My Watch: How to Win the Fight for Family, Faith and Freedom (Feb. 2019, $22.99, ISBN 9781683972617) will equip Christian moms, dads, grandparents and millennials to tackle the current cultural issues of natural marriage, free speech, the sexualization of children, abortion, and gender erasure.
“If you are tired of your values being trampled, then you must tread beyond your home and the four walls of the church to impact your culture for God,” says Elizabeth. “Our nation suffers from an open wound called sin, and God wants to use us to bring healing. May a movement of men and women shake off the fear of man and arise to the great task of preserving our nation and rescuing future generations.”
From the mom who exposed Teen Vogue and launched the global Sex Ed Sit Out movement comes a page-turner that is sure to convict and inspire like no other. As a mother who has made Christian activism a calling for her life and her family, Johnston courageously defends the timeless truths of God’s Word throughout Not on My Watch.
Elizabeth will be speaking on these timely issues as part of a panel at next month’s Values Voter Summit, held in Washington, D.C., from September 21–23. For additional details on the conference, visit
Elizabeth Johnston aka the Activist Mommy is an activist vlogger who educates and inspires the public on the burning social and moral issues of the day that are important to families. She and her husband, Patrick, who is a medical doctor, author, and movie producer, have been pro-life ministry leaders for many years and home educators to their ten beautiful children. The growing threat to America’s children and the vicious attack on religious liberty is what dynamited Elizabeth out of her comfort zone to inspire a nation of belittled conservatives and Christians to “come out of their closets” and boldly take their country back. Elizabeth daily triggers the Left by confronting the lies of abortion, feminism, Islam, and the homosexual agenda with wit and snark as only she can, and she regularly posts viral commentary videos, which have netted over 70 million views. Elizabeth has been featured on many major media outlets, such as Fox & Friends, the New York Times, TheBlaze and the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), as she has become a thought leader on topics of importance to families. The pulse behind all her activism and cultural commentary is her love for her family and her Savior, Jesus Christ.
Worthy Publishing Group is a privately held, independent voice in inspirational publishing, based in Nashville, Tennessee. Worthy includes four imprints: Worthy Books publishes inspirational works addressing faith and culture, Christian living, fiction, biblical studies, and specialty Bibles; Museum of the Bible Books is a partnership between Worthy and the Museum, publishing books that reveal the history, narrative, and impact of the Bible; Ellie Claire produces beautifully crafted journals, gifts, and paper expressions; and WorthyKids/Ideals creates colorful, interactive children’s books, including VeggieTales and Berenstain Bears, for ages 1 to 9.
Nori Media Group acquires Harrison House Publishers
Nori Media Group (NMG), home to Destiny Image and Sound Wisdom, has acquired Harrison House Publishers, effective Sept. 1. Announced in a letter to partners, the deal includes the publishing rights, inventory and related assets to 1,100 titles.
“NMG will retain the Harrison House name and will continue publishing new titles under the imprint,” said Don Nori, CEO of Nori Media Group. “Brad Herman, a graduate of Andrew Wommack’s Charis Bible College and a 19-year veteran of the Christian publishing industry, will assume the duties of publisher for Harrison House.”
Herman was previously sales manager at Destiny Image.
“I am very excited about this opportunity to serve the Harrison House authors and customers,” Herman told Christian Retailing. “My background is word of faith, and I cut my teeth on Harrison House products back when I came to the Lord in 1990, so I have a passion to see this content continue to be available as well as to see new authors established in this market.”
Harrison House President and CEO Troy Wormell “will remain involved with the transition of Harrison House over the course of 12 months to ensure the best possible result for the authors, customers and the legacy,” Nori said.
In 1975, Buddy and Pat Harrison founded Harrison House, which has published and distributed more than 100 million books in 42 languages to more than 175 countries. The Tulsa-based publisher plans to release forthcoming titles from best-selling authors Andrew Wommack, Rick Renner and Germaine Copeland.
The purchase “will continue to strengthen Nori Media Group’s position as a resource for the consumer’s personal, professional and spiritual growth,” Nori said.
“It is the desire of Nori Media Group to see all Harrison House authors maintain the Harrison House brand,” Nori added. “The objective of Nori Media Group is to intentionally present both the Word and Spirit. Harrison House has been such a faithful representative and steward of those carrying a strong Word-based message, while Destiny Image has long embraced its assignment to carry messages with more of a prophetic, supernatural focus. We see this as a convergence of ‘Word and Spirit,’ which ultimately fulfills the prophecy of Smith Wigglesworth about the synergy of Word and Spirit. Yes, we aim to keep and build upon the Harrison House brand.”
Shippensburg, Pennsylvania-based Nori Media Group now has more than 2,000 titles in the nonfiction genre, representing the various streams within the charismatic church through its Destiny Image and Harrison House imprints and business/motivational titles through the Sound Wisdom line.
Three-time World Series Champion Jeremy Affeldt to Publish with Zondervan
Jeremy Affeldt played major league baseball for fourteen years, finishing his career with the San Francisco Giants during their championship years of 2010, 2012, and 2014. In his upcoming book, Affeldt will share his story of a man finding his way home. Things on the field were nothing but smiles, but it was a much different story at home. Following the Series win in 2012 and the birth of their third child, everything fell apart, most of all Jeremy. He was scared he might lose it all. The book is scheduled to release in March 2020. World Rights were acquired by Andy Rogers, Zondervan Trade Acquisitions Editor. Affeldt is agented by Esther Feddorkevich of the Fedd Agency.
Affeldt is an active leader in the fight to end human trafficking and modern-day slavery, as well as an advocate to support and feed the hungry at home and around the globe. He is the co-founder of Generation Alive, a non-profit organization that works to teach and inspire a generation of young people to act by serving others. Since his retirement from professional baseball, he works as a television analyst covering the San Francisco Giants on NBC Sports Bay Area, and is heard weekly on KNBR Radio.
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