September 12, 2022 Edition
Industry News

Christian bestseller lists released for September
ECPA has posted the monthly Christian bestseller lists for September in 15 categories, based on sales data from NPD Bookscan. The #1 bestselling title is “America, A Redemption Story: Choosing Hope, Creating Unity” by Senator Tim Scott (Thomas Nelson).

Dr. Christina Edmondson to deliver ECPA PubU keynote during opening session
Dr. Christina Barland Edmondson — author, speaker, psychologist, educator, and co-host of the Truth’s Table podcast — will be the plenary speaker during the ECPA PubU opening session on November 16 at Lipscomb University in Nashville. She will also lead a session for the industry’s class of Emerging Leaders.
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Register for ECPA PubU during early bird rates, expiring Sep. 30.

PubU Emerging Leader scholarship deadline is this Thursday
ECPA members are invited to nominate their staff for the PubU Emerging Leader scholarship and mentor program – which offers up and coming leaders who are under-represented in the industry the opportunity to attend PubU on scholarship, while participating in an industry mentorship program throughout 2023. The nomination deadline is this Thursday, Sep. 15.

NavPress promotes Caitlyn Carlson to Senior Editor
NavPress announced that Caitlyn Carlson has been promoted to the position of senior editor. Carlson began her publishing career at David C. Cook, with an emphasis on copyediting and project management. She has been the editor of record for a wide range of authors, including Brian Hardin, Cynthia Heald, Leslie Leyland Fields, and Aubrey Sampson.
Finalists in nine categories for The Christy Award® to be announced by live webinar
On October 11, award-winning novelist Chris Fabry and host of Chris Fabry Live, will announce the finalists in nine fiction categories for the 2022 Christy Award program. The free webinar will be held at 11 am CDT.
Register for the webinar, held Oct. 11 online.
Register for the winners Gala and Art of Writing program, held Nov. 17 in Nashville.

Call for submissions in 12 categories for 2023 Christian Book Award® program
ECPA is now taking submissions for the 2023 Christian Book Award® program until September 30, in 12 award categories for titles published between October 2021 and October 2022. For submission and program information, visit

Baylor-Hamm Companies completes successful upgrade from knk Software
Baylor-Hamm Companies has recently upgraded its Microsoft Dynamics platform, in which ECPA member knk Software effectively modernized the user interface and streamlined the company’s general ledger, accounts receivable, and accounts payable functions.

ACFW announces 2022 Christian fiction and industry awards
The American Christian Fiction Writers in person conference at the Hyatt Regency at the Arch, St. Louis included their 2022 Awards Gala with a number of significant industry awards. Prolific author and devoted mentor and teacher Gayle Roper was honored with ACFW’s Lifetime Achievement Award.
Iron Stream Media brings home four Golden Scroll and Christian Market Awards
Iron Stream Media is excited to announce four winners at the Golden Scroll and Christian Market awards. Awards were announced at the Advanced Writers and Speakers Association (AWSA) banquet on August 14, 2022.
Leafwood Publishers announces that “Tamar” wins second award for 2022
Leafwood Publishers is pleased to announce that “Tamar: Rediscovering the God Who Redeems Me,” has won second place in the Bible Study category at the AWSA Golden Scroll Awards. The title also won the 2022 West Coast Christian Writers “God’s Word is Alive” award in February.
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EMG inks two deals with USA Today best-selling author and The Walking Dead spin-off series actor
Embolden Media Group recently announced the signings of USA Today best-selling author Bunmi Laditan and Hollywood actor and filmmaker Gaius Charles as part of its strategic talent acquisition plan for the fourth quarter of 2022.
Zondervan releases limited editions of Jesus Bible Artist Edition
Zondervan announces the release of the limited editions of The Jesus Bible Artist Edition, NIV, and The Jesus Bible Artist Edition, ESV, both in green calfskin leather. The limited editions feature cover designs by award-winning designer and illustrator, Joshua Noom.
Lexham Press’ FatCat series enlarges with three more children’s books
FatCat, the friendly feline first won over our hearts in February with the release of “The Apostles’ Creed: For All God’s Children.” In October, two more FatCat books will pounce onto the scene, with at least one more joining them in 2023.
Tyndale Refresh to publish Aundi Kolber, leading voice in trauma-informed healing
Tyndale Refresh will release “Strong like Water” in March 2023, the newest book from Aundi Kolber, leading voice in trauma-informed healing, and critically acclaimed author of “Try Softer” (January 2020) and “The Try Softer Guided Journey” (October 2021).
Zondervan releases NASB Grace and Truth Study Bible, 1995 Text
Zondervan, a division of HarperCollins Christian Publishing, is proud to announce the release of the NASB Grace and Truth Study Bible, 1995 Text, with General Editor Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
Iron Stream announces new release from partner, End Game Press
ISM introduces a new pair of books from End Game Press that impart faith into the hearts of children during bedtime: “Bedtime with Mommy” along with its brand new companion, “Bedtime with Daddy.”
New Growth Press releases new book to help parents answer the baby question
In “God Made Babies: Helping Parents Answer the Baby Question,” bestselling authors Justin S. Holcomb and Lindsey A. Holcomb offer an answer to the often-dreaded, sometimes awkward question in a common sense, biblical way.
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Max Lucado on Fox & Friends this week: New book releases tomorrow
Pastor Max Lucado will be interviewed about his new book “Help is Here: Finding Fresh Strength and Purpose in the Power of the Holy Spirit” (Thomas Nelson) on Fox & Friends on Tuesday, Sep. 13 at 7:50 am ET. He has also been featured on The 700 Club, TBN, Livin’ the Bream podcast, The Happy Hour podcast, and more. His book releases September 13.

Neurosurgeon and Zondervan author Dr. Myron Rolle on Jesus Calling Podcast
Neurosurgeon Dr. Myron Rolle recently joined the Jesus Calling Podcast to share how by choosing a path toward medicine, and cutting short his football dreams, he was able to see the wisdom in having his dream diverted. Dr. Rolle’s book is “The 2% Way” (Zondervan).

Deb Liu, CEO of Ancestry and Zondervan author, featured on The Playbook podcast
The author of “Take Back Your Power” (Zondervan) was featured on David Meltzer’s top-rated podcast, The Playbook on September 1st. Deb Liu, CEO and President of Ancestry, shares how her own childhood experience showed her the need to empower women in the workplace.
Other News
- British Book Trade Honors Queen Elizabeth
- PRH Attorneys Say DOJ Failed to Prove Its Case Against S&S Merger
- In Post-Trial Briefs, DOJ Says PRH Deal for S&S Must Be Blocked
- Publishers, Internet Archive Trade Reply Briefs in Book Scanning Case
- BISG webinar Sep. 29: The Evolving Landscape for Rights Tools & Models
- PW webinar: Impact of Accessibility & Sustainability on Your Business
- Print Book Sales Slipped Again Last Week
- Earnings Fell in the First Half of 2022 at PRH
- NPD BookScan: US Market Steady
- MIT Press Fund for Diverse Voices Gets New Funding
- Australian Publishers Association releases D&I ‘baseline’ survey results