Since its publication one year ago Feeding Your Family’s Soul by bestselling author Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle has been steadily gaining momentum. Written specifically for a Catholic audience, this book answers questions that face all parents of faith: How to keep the family meal time intact, and how to teach children important messages of faith in the midst of a busy and often chaotic life?
Now in its fourth printing, with over 14,000 copies sold, the book has been enthusiastically received by families and religious educators in parishes and schools.
Creative and specific, with lessons, activities, and recipes, this book has launched a brand that also includes laminated prayer cards for families (8,000 sold) and the release of an accompanying DVD. Author Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle also has launched a branded TV series, Feeding Your Family’s Soul, that can be seen on EWTN’s network At Home with Jim and Judy show.
Legatus, the magazine for Catholic businessmen, now includes a monthly column, Feeding the Foodie. Donna-Marie shares monthly on the topic of nourishing both the body and the soul! Click here for her post on enjoying the fruits of labor and blessing, and a great recipe for Summer Double Berry Cobbler:
For more information, contact Sr. Antonia Cleverly,, (508) 255-4685 x 329