Orlando, Fla. (January 31, 2018): In God’s providence, Dr. R.C. Sproul’s last monthly letter to friends of Ligonier Ministries was an encouragement to pray earnestly for awakening: “It’s easy to be afraid these days. We’re living in a land which has turned its back on God and His law. We can feel as if we’re in a shrinking minority of truth-tellers who love Christ and His Word. We can feel like there’s nothing we can do. As I have studied the Scriptures and the work of God’s Spirit throughout history, I know there is something we can do– we can pray for awakening.”
What is awakening? It is a powerful movement of the Spirit of God to convert many people to Christ and to renew in His church a zeal for His truth, for spiritual growth, and for missions. “It was Dr. Sproul’s passion to see nonbelievers and the church itself awakened to the true character of God,” said Chris Larson, president and CEO of Ligonier Ministries. “This continues to be a vital concern for us. We have planned the 2018 Ligonier National Conference in March around the theme of awakening, and we are dedicating this entire year to pray for awakening.”
Ligonier has published a free prayer guide to encourage Christians everywhere to pray for the Holy Spirit to bring revival in response to the preaching and teaching of God’s Word in their families, churches, and communities. This helpful discipleship tool provides a different prayer focus and accompanying Scripture verse each week, all to the end of praying for God to move mightily in His church and to bring the light of the gospel to this darkened world.
To join in praying for awakening, people can download the free guide at PrayForAwakening.com or
order in packs of 10 to share with their friends, family, and church community. Ligonier is also hoping to foster an awareness for the need for prayer through prompting many people to share the need to #PrayForAwakening on social media.
About Ligonier Ministries
Ligonier Ministries exists to proclaim, teach, and defend the holiness of God in all its fullness to as many people as possible. To that end, Ligonier’s outreach today is manifold and worldwide. Before Dr. Sproul went to be with the Lord, he and the board designated teaching fellows to continue and help lead Ligonier’s work of discipleship that Dr. Sproul began more than 40 years ago. These teaching fellows are Drs. Sinclair B. Ferguson, W. Robert Godfrey, Steven J. Lawson, R. Albert Mohler Jr., Stephen J. Nichols, Burk Parsons, and Derek W.H. Thomas. Ligonier publishes Renewing Your Mind broadcasts, the Reformation Study Bible, Tabletalk magazine, books through Reformation Trust, and hundreds of teaching series. The ministry also offers an undergraduate degree program through Reformation Bible College. In addition, Ligonier hosts national and regional conferences, provides an online learning community through Ligonier Connect, streams 24-hour Christian Internet radio through RefNet, pursues numerous translation efforts in other countries, and makes available thousands of unique educational resources online at Ligonier.org.
Contact: Deborah Finnamore Publicity Manager
Ligonier Ministries 407-333-4244 ext. 1158