Minnesota pastor Daniel Harrell named as new editor in chief, starting in early January
CAROL STREAM, Ill., Oct. 8, 2019 — Mark Galli announced his retirement as editor in chief of Christianity Today, where he has served in various editorial roles for the last 30 years.
“I’ve been EIC for about seven years now, and as it goes with many jobs, I think I finally understand what I should have been doing all along!” Galli said. “It has been quite a ride for the ministry, economically and journalistically. Some definite lows, to be sure, and some wonderful highs. Aside from a strong sense of God’s call, what’s given me most joy is the people I have worked with-men and women who are passionate about their faith and dedicated to their work, and have a sense of humor to boot.”
Galli will retire January 3, 2020, and will continue to write The Galli Report, a weekly newsletter discussing recent articles of interest. In April, Tyndale will publish his latest book, When Did We Start Forgetting God?: The Root of the Evangelical Crisis and Hope for the Future. Galli, who earlier served as a Presbyterian pastor and as an editor at Leadership Journal and Christian History magazines, is also the author of Karl Barth: An Introductory Biography for Evangelicals, Beyond Smells and Bells: The Wonder and Power of Christian Liturgy, and other volumes.
Christianity Today chief executive officer Dr. Timothy Dalrymple announced today that Galli will be replaced by Dr. Daniel M. Harrell, who has been senior minister of Colonial Church in Edina, Minnesota, since 2010. Before Colonial Church, Harrell was preaching minister for 23 years at Park Street Church in Boston. He holds a BA in Psychology and Religion from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, an MDiv from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, and a PhD in Developmental and Educational Psychology from Boston College. He is also the author of How to Be Perfect: One Church’s Audacious Experiment in Living the Old Testament Book of Leviticus and Nature’s Witness: How Evolution Can Inspire Faith.
“Dr. Harrell brings to the role a profound understanding of the life of the church,” said Dalrymple, “along with a subtle mind and a beautiful writerly sensibility. I’m incredibly proud of everything Mark Galli has achieved, and equally excited about Daniel Harrell and the work he will do together with our outstanding writers and editors.”
“I believe he will represent CT extraordinarily well in his writing and in public settings,” Galli said, “continuing to demonstrate our commitment to beautiful orthodoxy.”
Christianity Today is a nonprofit, global media ministry centered on Beautiful Orthodoxy-strengthening the church by richly communicating the breadth of the true, good, and beautiful gospel. Reaching over five million people monthly with various digital and print resources, the ministry equips Christians to renew their minds, serve the church, and create culture to the glory of God.
Contact: Ted Olsen, Editorial Director, tolsen@