David C Cook CEO Bill Reeves (left) presents Amanda and Dallas Jenkins with an ECPA Gold Award at ChosenCon 2024 in Orlando on September 21.
Over the weekend, fans gathered at ChosenCon in Orlando to celebrate the series, meet cast members, and more. Amanda and Dallas Jenkins, the writers of the interactive Bible study written to accompany the series, were also recognized for their achievements, as they received the Evangelical Christian Publisher’s Association’s Gold and Bronze Awards.
With nearly one million units sold, The Chosen Bible studies published by David C Cook are among the bestselling short-term Bible study series in the last four years.
The gold award from the ECPA celebrates 500,000 copies sold of What Does It Mean to Be Chosen?, the interactive Bible study written by the Jenkins, and Douglas S. Huffman, to accompany Season 1 of the popular television series, The Chosen.
ECPA Bronze Awards signifying over 100,000 copies sold were also presented during ChosenCon 2024 for Blessed Are the Chosen and The Way of the Chosen, the study companions to The Chosen Season 2 and Season 3, respectively.
In addition to these award-winning titles, Christian publisher and music company David C Cook has published two other interactive Bible studies based on The Chosen, including God’s Goodness for the Chosen (a guide to Season 4), and a student guide titled Get Used to Different.