(August 11, 2021) – As our world continues to establish a new definition for normal —The Parable Group continues to analyze data and provide insights into the sales and performance within the Christian retailing industry. Drawing on nightly sales and inventory data reported to ParableConnect from over 250 retailers, the following findings include national U.S. representation across independent Christian retailers from all major marketing groups.
Same store sales in January to June of 2021 were compared to 2019 (not 2020), and retail sales were up 11.3% overall. Receipt count and units purchased showed a slight decline, which follows a similar trend to prior reports. The sales increase is in part a result of higher average item prices, as book and gift prices have increased due to rising costs for paper, freight, and labor.
This positive report represents retailer resilience and fortitude despite labor and supply challenges as they carry on in their service in their local markets. Of the stores reporting to ParableConnect, 71% saw an increase in sales in the first half of 2021 as compared to 2019.
“Despite the recent challenges retailers face, including things like finding workers or sourcing products, our retail partners continue their labor of love and service to their customers,” said Greg Squires, President of The Parable Group. “This report is encouraging to us and our stores; sales are up! These independent Christian retailers have been incredibly resourceful and resiliently committed to offer life-changing resources to the world around them.”
The Parable Group helps Christian retailers, publishers, and ministries magnify their mission by connecting them to engaged Christian consumers, pastors, and church leaders. The San Luis Obispo, CA based data-driven marketing agency and media group has served over 1000 Christian organizations since 1985. For more information, contact sally.ross@parable.com or visit www.parablegroup.com.
Contact: Sally Ross, (805) 329-4020, sally.ross@parable.com