Grand Rapids, Mich., June 8, 2020 – Acclaimed artist and poet Morgan Harper Nichols has signed an additional two-book contract with Zondervan. The first book in the contract, How Far You Have Come, will feature poetry, personal essays and original artwork with four-color spreads throughout and is scheduled to release in March 2021 through the Zondervan Gift division. A two-color trade book is slated to release in October 2021 through the Zondervan Books division. Nichols is represented by Mona Harper of Good Eye Management. World rights were acquired by Zondervan Gift Associate Acquisitions Editor Danielle Peterson and Zondervan Books Associate Publisher Stephanie Smith.
Nichols’ debut book, All Along You Were Blooming: Thoughts for Boundless Living (Zondervan Gift), is a collection of poetry and artwork that became an instant Wall Street Journal bestseller upon its release in January 2020.
“Morgan is an incredible observer and interpreter of the world around her,” said Laura Minchew, Senior Vice President and Group Publisher of Children’s & Gift Books at Thomas Nelson. “All Along You Were Blooming was an acquisition that broke new ground and established Morgan as a unique voice in the space of modern poetry and art. It is a joy to continue to work with such a creative force and lovely person.”
Nichols’ work is inspired by real-life interactions and stories. In 2017 she started a project where she invites people to submit their stories to her website and she creates art as a response to their stories. She shares the inspired artwork daily and her popular Instagram account (@morganharpernichols) has become a loyal community of 1.3 million followers.
“In our content-saturated culture, readers are looking for true meaning-makers, and Morgan has a great gift for cutting through the noise to name what is good, true, and beautiful,” says Stephanie Smith, Associate Publisher at Zondervan Books.
As an artist, Nichols has collaborated with a wide range of brands including Coach, Adobe, LiveNation, Aerie and more. As a designer and author, her work has been available in many stores, including Anthropologie, Barnes and Noble and Target. She is on the board of directors at TWLOHA (To Write Love on Her Arms).
Nichols is originally from Atlanta, Ga. and she and her husband Patrick currently reside with their son Jacob, in Orange County, Ca. where you can also find her studio and shop, Garden24.
Zondervan is a world leading Bible publisher and provider of Christian communications. Zondervan, part of HarperCollins Christian Publishing, Inc., delivers transformational Christian experiences through its bestselling Bibles, books, curriculum, academic resources and digital products. The Company’s products are sold worldwide and translated into nearly 200 languages. Zondervan offices are located in Grand Rapids, Mich. For additional information, please visit
Robin Barnett, Director of Public Relations, Zondervan Books, 616-698-3251 robin.barnett@harpercollins.
Stefanie Schroeder, Publicity Director, Zondervan Gift, 615-922-1722 stefanie.schroeder@
Christian Publishing and Racial Justice webinar presented last week to “packed” virtual audience
ECPA hosted its fifth Virtual Summit Series webinar last week on “Christian Publishing and Racial Justice” with a record number of registrants. “It was my privilege to moderate a dynamic conversation with some of the most influential publishers and writers giving voice to this issue,” stated ECPA president Stan Jantz. Panelists included:
Trillia Newbell, acquisitions editor for Moody Publishers and the author of several books, who emphasized the need to identify and publish writers of color who will write books on a variety of topics, including race.
Ed Gilbreath, executive editor at InterVarsity Press, who shared the challenges people of color face as they try to fit into the cultures of mostly-white Christian organizations. He stressed the need for mentorship.
LaDonna Boyd, the fifth-generation president of R.H. Boyd Publishing Corporation, suggested taking a broad approach to your publishing program from authors of color.
Skot Welch, CEO of Global Bridgebuilders, reminded us that “diversity is a God-given mandate.”
Jeff Crosby, publisher of InterVarsity Press and ECPA board chair, offered the opening prayer for the webcast, composed by noted educator and writer, Howard Thurman, author of the seminal book, Jesus and the Disinherited (Beacon Press).
Jeff Wright, CEO of Urban Ministries, Inc., provided a video with 5 steps to making progress in the area of diversity:
- Read history while investing in meaningful recruitment and training;
- Listen to employee perspectives and establish a shared vision;
- Recruit consultants, employees, and board members who can help move your companies forward in these critical areas;
- Establish mentoring initiatives; and
- Hold meetings where all views are welcomed and sought out.
Jeff also shared a powerful video on racism by Dr. Robin DiAngelo, author of White Fragility (Beacon Press).
“ECPA will continue to encourage conversations like these, as well as provide valued resources to grow diversity in our industry,” said Jantz.
ECPA recently published a list of Christian Books on Racial Justice and is currently compiling, from its members, Christian book lists from Authors of Color in a variety of categories. For more information on the book submission process, contact ECPA.
Three WaterBrook titles hit New York Times Best Sellers List
Three WaterBrook titles appear on the most recent New York Times Advice, How-To & Miscellaneous Best Sellers List (6/21/20), including Michael Todd’s Relationship Goals: How to Win at Dating, Marriage, and Sex at #1. Todd’s book has captured the top spot for three weeks running and has been on the list for six straight weeks since its April 28, 2020, release.
In addition, Jennie Allen’s Get Out of Your Head: Stopping the Spiral of Toxic Thoughts comes in at #6, making its seventeenth appearance on the New York Times list following its January 28, 2020, release.
New this week is Be the Bridge: Pursuing God’s Heart for Racial Reconciliation by Latasha Morrison, ranking #9. Released in October 2019, Be the Bridge is a Christianity Today 2020 Book Award winner for Christian Living/Discipleship.
“This is a first for us to have three WaterBrook titles on the New York Times list simultaneously, nearly a third of the Advice list,” says Laura Barker, VP & Publisher, WaterBrook and Multnomah. “We are grateful to see this recognition of the work of Michael Todd, Jennie Allen, and Latasha Morrison. All three have crafted important resources that are providing tangible and particularly timely guidance for readers in this challenging season.”
WaterBrook is an imprint of Random House, a division of Penguin Random House, LLC.
ECPA responds to Racial Justice crisis with conversation, events, book lists
- ECPA compiles Christian book list on Racial Justice and lists of 1300+ titles from authors of color in several categories
- ECPA webcasts include conversations on “Christian Publishing and Racial Justice” and “Diversity Initiatives that Sustain Change”
- ECPA PubU Online to feature keynote and track of sessions on Diversity & Inclusion
by Stan Jantz, President and CEO, ECPA
TEMPE, ARIZ. — June 8, 2020 — In the last 90 days, the world has forever changed. Though we may not yet see the lasting impacts of the current global pandemic and culture-wide lament against racial injustice — we do more clearly see the responsibility that publishing, especially Christian publishing, can and must have to inspire hope and offer tools for change.
Publishing has always been a valuable vehicle for reform and change in times of crisis. “This is precisely the time when artists go to work,” Toni Morrison wrote. “… We speak, we write, we do language. That is how civilizations heal.” And so it is that artists—especially artists of color—are working with publishers on books and resources that will respond to our current crisis. In the meantime, we can look to the books already published that offer important perspectives on the things we need to do as well as the people we want to become.
To that end, the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association (ECPA) has compiled a list of Christian Books on Racial Justice. The publishing members of ECPA were asked to submit their recommendations, and the response was both overwhelming and encouraging.
More than 140 books are on the list. Some are classics like Let Justice Roll Down by Dr. John Perkins, and some are brand new, such as Is Christianity a White Man’s Religion?: How the Bible Is Good News for People of Color by Dr. Antipas Harris. Some of the listed books are inspiring, while others are challenging. Yet all offer important perspectives on the things we need to do as well as the people we want to become. ECPA has followed this list with additional Christian book lists by Authors of Color.
ECPA presented a special webcast to ask and answer the question: How can publishers speak to the issue of racial justice? A panel of leading voices from the Christian publishing and writing community offered their perspectives on a way forward to a place of hope, healing, and change – featuring LaDonna Boyd, President & CEO, R.H. Boyd Publishing Corp.; Trillia Newbell, author of several books and acquisitions editor at Moody Publishers; Skot Welch, Founder and President, Global Bridgebuilders; and Jeff Wright, President & CEO, Urban Ministries, Inc.
Another webinar was held on July 16 on “Diversity Initiatives that Sustain Meaningful Change” with Dr. Theon Hill (Associate Professor, Wheaton College), Jevon Bolden (CEO, Embolden Media), and Skot Welch (Founder, Global Bridgebuilders).
ECPA will soon be announcing the program for PubU Online, a series of training webinars for publishing practitioners that will be held throughout the month of September. The program’s theme will be, “Publishing in a Time of Crisis.” Sessions will be in tracks for Marketing, Editorial, Data-Delivery-Workflow, and a new track on Diversity & Inclusion. The track will be led by Dr. Theon Hill, race scholar and professor of communications at Wheaton College. Dr. Hill will also deliver the opening webcast session on August 31. Additional details on the PubU Online program is available at
ECPA has compiled additional industry resources to promote diversity on their website at Resources include:
- Industry White Papers on Diversity
- Consulting Services of Global Bridgebuilders
- Programming at ECPA events
- Emerging Leader program
- Publishing in Color conferences
- Christian Publishing Professionals of Color
- Christian Book Proposals .com
- ECPA Career Center
The Evangelical Christian Publishers Association (ECPA) is an international non-profit trade organization comprised of member companies that are involved in the publishing and distribution of Christian content worldwide. Since 1974, ECPA has strengthened Christian publishing by building networking, information, and advocacy opportunities within the industry and throughout multiple channels so that our members can more effectively produce and deliver transformational Christian content.
For more information about ECPA: @ECPA
Media contact: Stan Jantz, ECPA President and CEO,, 480-966-3998
Bible Gateway offers free online Bible Study with Max Lucado on “Facing Your Giants”
6-Week Video Bible Series Based on David and Goliath
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich., June 8, 2020 — These challenging and historic times of grief and hardship weigh heavy as giant obstacles in people’s lives the world over. Hoping to bring a biblical perspective to these crises and personal strife, Bible Gateway, the most visited Christian website in the world, will host the six-week free Facing Your Giants Online Bible Study June 15-July 27, 2020 with pastor and bestselling author Max Lucado teaching Bible lessons from the life of David facing Goliath in the book of 1 Samuel. Free registration for the event is at
In the series, Lucado teaches the five ways God equips people to face the stifling giants in their lives. Like David gathering five stones to prepare to slay his Goliath, so God gives us 5 ‘stones’ to face our giants, according to Lucado. Participants in the series will learn how Past, Priority, Prayer, Passion, and Persistence work in their circumstances to live a peace-filled life centered on God.
Watch a video of Lucado introducing the online study.
Students of this series will gain automatic free access to Lucado’s online video presentation, a private online study community, and exclusive bonus content, including a digital download of the first chapter of the book Facing Your Giants: God Still Does the Impossible, printable art, and a character profile on King David. The teaching videos will be available for free online June 15 through July 27.
“The free Facing Your Giants Online Bible Study is another way Bible Gateway is equipping people to read and understand the Bible, wherever they are,” says Jonathan Petersen, content manager, Bible Gateway.
Named “America’s Pastor” by Christianity Today, Max Lucado’s books have sold more than 140 million copies in 54 languages. He is preaching minister of Oak Hills Church, San Antonio, Tex., known for his poetic storytelling and homespun humor.
Bible Gateway ranks number one on global search engines, is part of HarperCollins Christian Publishing, Inc., and is home to more than 200 Bible versions in more than 70 languages–a trusted resource for people in more than 200 countries who rely on it every day for all their desktop and mobile device Bible reading, listening, studying, searching, comparing, and sharing needs.
Contact: Jonathan Petersen, jonathan.petersen@
John Lennox’s “Where is God in A Coronavirus World?” surpasses 100,000 sales in 2 months
Charlotte, NC. (June 5, 2020). The Good Book Company gratefully celebrates the milestone of Where is God in a Coronavirus World?, by John Lennox, released April 2020, surpassing 100,000 copies sold worldwide. The book has also been translated into more than 25 languages.
This short yet profound book examines the coronavirus pandemic in light of various belief systems and shows how the Christian worldview not only helps to make sense of it, but also offers a sure and certain hope to cling to.
Author and Oxford mathematics professor John Lennox explains: “This book consists of my reflections on what we are experiencing right now…I would invite you, the reader, to view the book like this: we are sitting in a coffee shop (if only we could!) and you have asked me the question on the book cover. I put down my coffee cup and attempt to give you an honest answer. What follows is what I would try to say in order to convey some comfort, support and hope.”
A Quick Turnaround
Written in two weeks, the book was produced in record time through the coordinated efforts of The Good Book Company team. “We instantly saw the opportunity and challenge to make this book available really quickly,” said UK-based Publishing Director Tim Thornborough. “We believe our role as a publisher is to support the local church with resources to help their growth and evangelism.”
This book is intended both to comfort believers and to create opportunities for conversation with unbelievers. Many members of the team, as well as individuals, ministries, and churches around the globe, have been creatively giving out copies of the book as a means of sharing the hope of Jesus Christ during uncertain times. Thornborough explains, “This book not only helps confused or anxious Christians to make sense of what God is up to in this crisis, but also speaks directly to those who do not yet know Christ, and shows them how the Christian worldview makes sense of our situation—better sense, in fact than competing worldviews, particularly atheism.”
Positive Impact
With positive reports on the receipt of this book from hard-hit countries as well as regions of the world where the gospel is typically unwelcome, The Good Book Company is especially grateful to all those who have worked to translate the book into more than 25 languages, including some minority languages like Faroese and Macedonian.
The Rights team was overwhelmed with requests for translations. “We wanted to prioritise those countries that were particularly hard hit by the virus at that time: Spain and Italy”, said Rights coordinator Elizabeth Parsons. “Knowing that there would be printing and distribution challenges in many countries, we decided to offer a license that allowed ministry-minded publishers like ourselves to distribute quickly and freely without a financial penalty to themselves. We stipulated in the contract that they should translate and produce the book within just three weeks.”
As a result, the book has been distributed for free in ebook format in countries where physical print has not been possible because of printer closures. In excess of 200,000 copies have been sent throughout Latin America through various national Bible Societies.
The Opportunity to Serve
Released as a paperback, ebook, and now as an audiobook, Where is God in a Coronavirus World? is proving to support the mission of providing Biblical, accessible, and relevant resources. J.D. Greear, president of the Southern Baptist Convention, says, “This is a timely, well-written piece that helps us maintain perspective on eternity during these difficult times. John does a phenomenal job tackling some very important questions that many of us and those around us are facing as COVID-19 continues to sweep across the globe. This is a biblical, gospel-centered reminder that God is still on his throne, and he is leading us into a world where all sad things will come untrue.”
“We are delighted that this insightful and powerful book has already made such an impact,” said James Burstow, President of the The Good Book Company’s US Corp, based in Charlotte NC. “It’s at times like these when we have to put aside our usual considerations for commercial profit and work together to serve the church, as it seeks to serve the Lord and the gospel message.”
The Good Book Company also produced a book aimed at helping Christians to pray thoughtfully and biblically through the crisis: 5 Things to Pray in a Global Crisis, written by staff writer Rachel Jones.
More information can be found at
About the author: John Lennox is an Emeritus Professor of Mathematics at the University of Oxford and Emeritus Fellow in Mathematics and the Philosophy of Science at Green Templeton College. He is also an Associate Fellow of the Said Business School and an Adjunct Lecturer for The Oxford Center for Christian Apologetics. He has been part of numerous public debates defending the Christian faith against well-known atheists including Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens and Peter Singer.
About The Good Book Company: Founded in 1991, The Good Book Company (TGBC) is an international Christian publisher. Their Bible studies, books, devotionals, videos, tracts, evangelistic courses, and training materials are used throughout the English-speaking world, and in translation in over 35 languages worldwide. Everyone at TGBC is passionate about the Lord Jesus, His word, His church, and His gospel of grace. They create and publish biblical, relevant, and accessible resources that will encourage Christians to keep going, keep growing, and keep sharing their faith.
Contact: For media inquiries and access to promotional assets, contact
IVP offers free Ebooks as part of Resources for Faithful Justice
WESTMONT, IL— In an effort to educate and contribute to the discussions, and ultimately the change in our culture, InterVarsity Press has announced that from June 8 through June 12 they will be offering each person one free ebook with a one-time use promo code. The complete list of free titles and the promo code are available at the new web page, Resources for Faithful Justice. IVP has also committed to continue paying the full royalties to the authors of these important books.
“The age-old adage that ‘Ideas matter’ is true. Wise and prophetic responses to systemic and enduring injustice also matters,” Jeff Crosby, IVP publisher, said. “Books are one important way to set forth ideas, to call for change, and to guide change in the way of wisdom. I am thankful for the opportunity to partner with the authors whose books are a part of this campaign, and we affirm our corporate commitment that all authors will receive 100 percent of their contractual royalties even as we make the resources available in ebook format at no charge to readers. I join with my IVP colleagues in praying that they will be read, and that they will shed light on our paths in this present moment.”
The topics for the free ebooks include diversity in the church, racial trauma, soul care, activism, the history of race in the United States and in the church and more.
The Resources for Faithful Justice page says, “IVP is grateful for the prophetic voices of our authors who share their stories, educate us when we are ignorant, and challenge us with the truth. Learn from these books as we pursue justice, wholeness, and racial righteousness in our homes, churches, and communities.”
Contact: Krista Clayton, 630.734.4013,
The Parable Group shares Christian Bookstore Market Update
(June 5, 2020) – Amid the ongoing global pandemic and anti-racism protests—The Parable Group released a Christian Bookstore Market Update providing data and insights into the current sales climate within the Christian retailing industry.
Drawing on nightly sales data reported to ParableConnect from January 1 through May 30, 2020, the findings include national U.S. representation across independent Christian retailers from all major marketing groups. ParableConnect receives POS data from over 300 retailers daily.
Before the pandemic, Christian retail sales started the year mostly flat to a little ahead of the prior year. While the dip in April was sizeable, the recovery in May has risen sharply over the past several weeks. Book and Bible sales this past week were 75% of prior year’s sales.
“Christian retailers operating in 2020 have been through crises before and again are showing their resilience through this pandemic,” stated Greg Squires, President of The Parable Group. “After a dark month of April, Christian retail sales have been substantially recovering throughout the month of May. Shoppers are returning to stores and bookstores are getting back to business at a surprising and encouraging rate. This highlights the resiliency and tenacity of independent Christian retailers who’ve persevered and championed their mission to equip their local communities with hope-giving and life-changing resources.”
To read the entire sales report, click here.
The Parable Group helps Christian retailers, publishers, and ministries magnify their mission by connecting them to engaged Christian consumers, pastors, and church leaders. The San Luis Obispo, CA based data-driven marketing agency and media group has served over 1000 Christian organizations since 1985. For more information, contact or visit
Contact: Sally Ross, (805) 329-4020
B&H to release authorized Elisabeth Elliot biography based on unpublished, private journals by bestselling author Ellen Vaughn
Nashville, Tenn. [June 8, 2020] – B&H Publishing is proud to announce the forthcoming release of an authorized biography of one of the most influential Christians of the 20th century, Elisabeth Elliot.
In writing “Becoming Elisabeth Elliot,” “New York Times” bestselling author Ellen Vaughn used Elliot’s private, unpublished journals and candid interviews with her family and friends to paint the adventures and misadventures God used to shape one of the most influential women in modern church history.
“I grew up admiring Elisabeth Elliot as a writer and missionary hero. She was articulate, tall, brave and rather severe. No fluff. I respected her greatly, but I wasn’t sure I liked her much,” Vaughn said. “Little did I know that I’d one day become her biographer, reading her private journals and writing her story. I laughed. I wept. I saw the radical roots of her self-discipline, but also her playfulness, her love of nature, her passion and her sense of irony and humor. I still admire her, but now I like her a lot.”
The late Elliot (1926-2015) was a prolific Christian author and speaker whose first husband, Jim Elliot (1927-1956), was one of five missionaries killed as they sought to make contact with the Waodani Indians (an unreached people in Ecuador known for their violence). Soon after, Elisabeth and her then two-year-old daughter Valerie moved among the same people, spending two years sharing the Gospel with and befriending those who killed her husband.
“We could not be more excited to publish ‘Becoming Elisabeth Elliot’ from bestselling biographer, Ellen Vaughn,” said Mary Wiley, vice president of marketing at B&H. “Vaughn’s exclusive use of Elisabeth’s never-before-published journals allows Elisabeth to pour out of every word. The faithfulness of Jim and Elisabeth Elliot have encouraged the faith of millions through books such as ‘Through Gates of Splendor,’ ‘Passion and Purity’ and ‘Shadow of the Almighty.’
“But long before these books were written, God was already at work in the life of Elisabeth to cultivate faith and commitment to him. This book is sure to challenge us all to live as Elisabeth lived: radically surrendered to God, no matter the cost.”
After her return to the U.S., Elisabeth began a speaking and writing ministry, writing over 25 books and eventually becoming the first female bestselling Christian author and one of the most influential Christians of the 20th century.
“Becoming Elisabeth Elliot” shows the story of a hilarious, brilliant, witty, self-deprecating, sensitive, radical and surprisingly relatable person who was utterly submitted to doing God’s will, no matter how high the cost. For Elliot, the central question was not, “How does this make me feel?” but simply, “Is this true?” If so, then the next question was, “What do I need to do about it to obey God?”
“‘Becoming Elisabeth Elliot’ is the story of Elisabeth’s early years. It’s full of colorful characters
and some pretty wild jungle adventures, a portrait of how God shaped this young woman to become an authentic modern heroine. It’s also a story, I think, of how God can work in the joys, tragedies and ordinary days in all our lives, causing us to become more like him,” Vaughn said.
Vaughn is a bestselling author and speaker who has written or co-written 23 books, having collaborated with authors such as the late Charles Colson. She began working on the biography two years ago and did extensive research to carefully detail Elliot’s early years with accuracy.
B&H will support “Becoming Elisabeth Elliot” with a national marketing and publicity campaign and a preorder offering. For more information, visit
Ellen Vaughn is a “New York Times” bestselling author and speaker who has written or co-written 23 books. Former vice president of executive communications at Prison Fellowship, she collaborated with the late Chuck Colson on a number of his seminal works. She speaks at conferences, often travels to interview Christ-followers in hostile parts of the world and serves on the board of directors for ICM, the global church developer. With degrees from Georgetown University and the University of Richmond, Ellen lives in northern Virginia with husband Lee, a regional pastor for McLean Bible Church, a daughter and two grandchildren and one clueless dog. She enjoys reading, hiking, drinking coffee and staring pensively at the ocean.
B&H Publishing Group, an imprint of LifeWay Christian Resources, is a team of mission minded people with a passion for taking God’s Word to the world. Because we believe Every Word Matters® we seek to provide intentional, Bible-centered content that positively impacts the hearts and minds of people, inspiring them to build a lifelong relationship with Jesus Christ. Among our print and digital releases for the trade, church and academic markets, titles include “The New York Times” No. 1 bestsellers “The Love Dare” and “The Vow,” No. 1 CBA bestseller “I Am a Church Member,” as well as the newly-revised Christian Standard Bible (CSB) version.
Baker Publishing Group authors ranked as essential authors by Family Fiction readers
Ada, Mich. (June 3, 2020)—Family Fiction asked their readers to select their favorite genres and their favorite storytellers. The results of this poll were released in their recent newsletter,
Baker Publishing Group is pleased to announce that twenty-one authors, whose books have been recently published either under the Bethany House or Revell imprint, have been included in Family Fiction’s Top 50 Essential Christian Fiction Authors list for 2020.
Romantic suspense author Lynette Eason was ranked as the top essential author, followed by the readers’ second most popular choice, Beverly Lewis. Also included among the list of essential authors are Dee Henderson, Susan May Warren, Ted Dekker, Irene Hannon, Becky Wade, Tracie Peterson, Frank Peretti, Lisa Harris, Susan Sleeman, Dani Pettrey, Ronie Kendig, Karen Witemeyer, Janette Oke, Angela Hunt, Lauraine Snelling, Lisa T. Bergren, Morgan L. Busse, Patrick Carr, and Roseanna M. White.
Baker Publishing Group’s fiction covers a wide range of genres, including romantic suspense, mystery, historical, romance, general fiction, Amish, speculative, fantasy, and YA and are written by some of our bestselling and award-winning authors. We understand that readers have diverse reading tastes, and our goal is to provide quality books that meet the needs and preferences of our readers.
Bethany House, a division of Baker Publishing Group, has been publishing high quality books for over 50 years. Recognized as the pioneer and leader in Christian fiction, we publish over 75 new fiction and nonfiction titles annually in subjects including historical and contemporary fiction, Christian living, devotional, family resources, and theology. Our titles are frequently found on Christian bestseller lists.
Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group, publishes books that help bring the Christian faith to everyday life. Whether through fiction, Christian living, self-help, marriage, family, or youth books, each Revell publication reflects relevance, integrity, and excellence.
Contact: Karen Steele (616)676-9185 x100
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